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Archive for the 'Myngle News' Category

Myngle elevator pitch for Accenture Innovation Awards 2008

Monday, October 20th, 2008

Hi all, As you may know, Myngle is nominated for the Accenture Innovation Awards 2008 together with 4 other companies. We were selected out of 200 companies and nominated. Coming Thursday the winner will be announced at the Media & Communication Innovation Seminar in Amsterdam. You can have a look at the pitches of all […]

Myngle auctions for charity on eBay

Monday, October 6th, 2008

Hi all, As you may all know, ‘making the world a better place” is one of the reasons Myngle was founded. Last week Myngle had the opportunity to do so  by offering 30 language lessons for the Pink Ribbon Charity Auction, organised by Hollands largest retail promotion, Drie Dwaze Dagen (3 crazy days) from Bijenkorf […]

Myngle Success Board: Triple digit growth for 3 months in a row- Myngle is flying!

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

Dear Myngle community, September was a fantastic month for Myngle as it really took off in the summer and now it is flying higher and higher. We all deserve this after the hard work of the first months, all of us. Myngle’s team and our valuable community made all of this, so I am proud […]

You are fantastic, spread the word!

Monday, September 22nd, 2008

Hi, Ok, so you have a great profile on Myngle, you have your courses and lessons all shipshape in order, your calendar is up-to-date, and you are all ready to get bookings. All what we need now is students finding your profile. Yes, not only Myngle, but they have to find YOUR PROFILE. So what are […]

Myngle nominated for Accenture Innovation Awards 2008

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

Hi all, We are proud to tell you that your platform Myngle is nominated for the Accenture Innovation Awards 2008. Out of 200 companies who participated in the contest, Myngle is one of the 5 companies nominated. Even better, Myngle is asked to present the company during the award ceremony in October. Accenture is now organizing the […]

Myngle score: Also get your missed ratings rated !!

Monday, September 8th, 2008

Hi all, So how do you like the Myngle score system which was introduced by Tetyana last friday? Myngle score is a valuable indicator of a student’s or teacher’s reputation on Myngle. Your Myngle score includes a Feedback Score, as well as comments from your student or teacher. But what about the rarings you missed? […]

Facts & Figures second language learning market

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Hi, The Myngle concept was not only based on an idea. Yes, the idea was there first but then research was needed to understand the market and the possibilities. Let us share some of the figures which resulted out of our surveys and research.   Market for second language learning: Ranking of languages1: Mandarin: 1.052 […]

Myngle could really make a difference… if we all want it to be so

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

I was discussing yesterday with the team about Myngle, about its future ahead of us. It was a nice relaxed moment of truth during our lunch in the garden, when you speak what you mean and you think deeper about what you really want. Well… it made me realize that somewhere in the future we […]

33 hot dutch web 2.0 companies; Myngle

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Hi all, Hi, This is a nice posting for me to write. We are happy to share with you that Myngle is awarded the title of ‘one of 33 hot dutch web 2.0 companies’. A few months ago Myngle had already won the title of one of the most innovative ICT-companies in the Benelux. Winning […]

Myngle is everywhere

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

Hi all, Spreading the word about Myngle can be done in all kind of ways, both online and offline. See below my bike with the Myngle signing . I have it a few days now only but I get a lot of remarks on the road, so I guess it is working. This is one of […]