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Friday, April 28, 2023  
    Fantastic job, Antonio! During today's lesson, we discussed the topics of work and vacation, and you were able to speak about them naturally. Your active participation throughout the lesson was also greatly appreciated.
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Wednesday, April 26, 2023  
    It was great speaking with you again, Antonio. In today's lesson, we had a conversation about the weather and explored related vocabulary. We then practiced using these words in context to reinforce our understanding of the topic.
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Thursday, April 20, 2023  
    Excellent job, Antonio! In today's lesson focused on acquiring new skills, we explored and practiced various expressions that incorporate the verb "learn" while discussing your learning experiences using sequence adverbs. We began by examining eight incomplete phrases featuring the verb "learn" and selected words from a given list to complete each (e.g., learn by heart, learn a lesson). Subsequently, you applied these expressions to fill in the gaps within eight different sentences. Throughout the lesson, you shared intriguing insights on water-related issues, making it truly enlightening. Thank you for your valuable input!
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Friday, April 14, 2023  
    Well done, Antonio! Today's lesson focused on wining and dining, where you shared some of your personal food experiences and also listened to other people's experiences. You demonstrated a keen understanding of the corrections that were made during the lesson. If you are interested, you could review the corrections we covered in class to reinforce your learning. Overall, it was a great session, and I look forward to our next lesson!
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Thursday, April 13, 2023  
    During today's lesson, we discussed the challenges that businesses commonly face, and we briefly touched on the differences between educational systems. We expanded our vocabulary by learning new words such as "skilled," "niche," and "to juggle." You demonstrated an impressive ability to comprehend and incorporate these new words into our discussion. Furthermore, we explored various cities and their unique characteristics, where you exhibited a strong grasp of the collocations we studied. Overall, it was a productive session.
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Wednesday, April 05, 2023  
    Great job, Antonio. In today's lesson, we discussed projects and how you manage them. We watched a short clip, which you summarized effectively. I recommend reviewing the clip, and if you have time, try writing a summary of it. Overall, you demonstrated a positive attitude. Keep up the good work!
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Thursday, March 23, 2023  
    In today’s lesson, we discussed cultural differences and doing business with people from various cultural backgrounds. You were able to express yourself effortlessly. We read a text about globalization, you were able to read though with some hesitations. You did a great job in analyzing the text, you tried making sure that you understood it. I am happy that you were eager to share your thoughts on the subject. You learned some new words such as boost.
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Monday, March 20, 2023  
    It was great talking with you, Antonio. During our lesson today, we discussed the topic of remote work, and I was impressed with how well you articulated your opinions. You provided clear reasons and examples to support your ideas, and you were fully engaged and attentive throughout the lesson. Keep up the fantastic work!
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Friday, March 17, 2023  
    It was great talking to you again, Antonio. In today's lesson, we began by discussing some pictures. Then, we examined why people who are unhappy at work feel that way. We brainstormed together to come up with reasons. After that, we reviewed a list of words and phrases (such as cluttered, commute, prospects, etc.) and discussed how they are related to the reasons why people dislike their jobs. Then, we read some ideas about why people feel miserable at work and completed them with the appropriate verbs (spend, waste, take). You were very engaged and interactive throughout the lesson. Keep up the excellent work!
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Wednesday, March 15, 2023  
    It was truly a pleasure meeting you! Unfortunately, we experienced some technical difficulties with the platform, but nonetheless, our lesson went really well. During our session, you mentioned that you would like to improve your fluency in English, and I was impressed with how well you were able to express yourself while discussing your travel experiences. You shared some interesting observations from your past trips, and your ability to form coherent sentences was quite impressive. While we still need to revisit a few grammar topics, I am confident that with your determination and hard work, your English skills will continue to improve.
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