Arabic (Standard) course Arabic (Standard) - Read and Write Easiest Way (8 - 88 years old).
By Paul1
Arabic (Standard)
Lots of animated exercises will help you to remember and to assimilate new vocabulary. Ready made and Personalized Programs for: - Geologists/Archaeologists - Scientists - Businessmen - Teachers - Military people - Seminarians - Third Age - Journalists - Language Schools. I offer an effective Online Arabic language Course for people who work/study and guarantee excellent assistance in such services. Ready-made and Personalized Programs for: - Geologists/Archaeologists - Scientists - Businessmen - Teachers in formation - Military people for the M.E. - Seminarians for the M.E. - Third Age - Journalists - Language Schools. Individual online teaching or for a mini-group (2-3 persons with discount). I offer personalized programs according to your needs/time wherever you are located. First Online Programme Learn to read and write Arabic - Standard Modern.- Beginners - Intermediate - Advanced. This course for Beginners is designed to give an effective initiation to Arabic language. At the end of the course you will start reading, writing and understanding the Arabic language with minumum effort. 43 lessons - complete course: Each lesson will teach you a new letter. In 12 - 15 sessions, you become familiar with the Arabic alphabet, learn lots of useful words and be able to use more than 1000 typical sentences. Lots of fun exercises will help you to remember and assimilate new vocabulary. Methodology (Beginners): Each lesson includes the following phases: Acoustical phase: You will listen to words pronunced in Arabic while you see their meaning displayed in your native language. Visual phase: You will watch the graphical representation of new words in Arabic. Inductive phase: Through this graphical representation you will recognize the new letter presented in the lesson. Instructive phase: We will give you some information about this letter. Reading phase: You will read the lesson words. Writing phase: You will write these words, helped by your tutor. This Course is divided into 4 units. Unit 1 14 lessons Unit 2 9 lessons Unit 3 9 lessons Unit 4 11 lessons. Second Programme - Online. Egyptian or Lebanese Colloquials (20, 30 or 40 hours). I offer an initiation to colloquial Egyptian. Different linguistic tools are presented to our students: An introduction to the basic linguistic instruments. Common phrases and discussions. Egyptian verbs divided by groups and developed into derived verbs and nouns, with illustrative examples. These texts are translated into English or French. An illustrated dictionary of the main common words used in daily life. Proverbs and poems. Egyptian songs. Egyptian films. You have two possibilities: 1. To learn colloquial Egyptian using Arabic characters (alef, baa…) 2. To learn colloquial Egyptian using transliteration characters (a, b, c….). Colloquial Lebanese also available. Choose the two days of the week suitable for your studies and inform me soonest. Per il corso sono previsti Test Preliminari, per la verifica dei livelli di competenza e per il programma mirato. Possono essere concordate date, orari, durate delle sessioni e programmi. Il tutto può essere personalizzato in funzione delle eventuali esigenze e degli obiettivi didattici da raggiungere. Metodologia - Lavoro sugli aspetti motivazionali seguendo un percorso dinamico ed interattivo dove il mio studente ha un ruolo attivo durante il processo di apprendimento.La Formazione dovrebbe essere vissuta come un momento di crescita continua ; esercizi individuali o di gruppo, esercitazioni pratiche, verifiche con test, formazione online.

Arabic Grammar and Sentence Structures + Texts Analysis...   more Arabic Grammar and Sentence Structures + Texts Analysis -Advance course to improve and develop Arabic level, listening/pronunciation and writing skills. Recommended also for persons who have started learning Arabic but then for sometimes they have stopped to practice the language consequently they forgot some or much of the vocabulary, grammar, etc..I shall quickly refresh your memory for things you studied already, and take you immediately to a new level. For those who work/study and have no time to move around to continue with the advanced level. Specifically we shall work on the structure of the Arabic language, i.e. the means to coordinate words and sentences with a big number of exercises, and this will surely improve your vocabulary. Also we shall work and continue with the Arabic grammar and text analysis to writing technique and improvement of the style. Also if required, an Introduction to the colloquial...maybe the Egyptian one or the Lebanese, being the most popular ones thanks to art, culture and population, could be taken into consideration.   less
Effective Arabic language Course Personalized Programs for:...   more Effective Arabic language Course Personalized Programs for: - Geologists/Archaeologists - Scientists and Doctors - Businessmen - Hotel Managers and Personnel - New Foreign Language Teachers in training - Military people for the M.E. - Seminarians for the M.E. - Journalists - Language Schools. Learn to read and write Arabic - Standard Modern - Lots of fun exercises will help you to remember and assimilate new vocabulary. Tests will be sent to you at the end of each part of the course (4 parts) and you will answer them online. Let's start Don’t be afraid to learn a new language. Accept to do this trip accompanied by your teacher. Have confidence and you will discover that you are learning new things with small efforts.   less
I offer an effective online Arabic language Intermediate to...   more I offer an effective online Arabic language Intermediate to Advanced Courses for persons who have started learning Arabic but then for sometimes they have stopped to practice the language consequently they forgot some or much of the vocabulary, grammar, etc..We shall quickly refresh your memory for things you studied already, and take you immediately to a new level. For those who work/study and have no time to move around to continue with their Intermediate level. I guarantee an excellent assistance on chat, with a superior quality to our sessions as being years in service with educational system courses. You will have the possibility to communicate with other online students from different countries/ages and share your experience/inquiries in Myngle. Course A4 – Arabic Grammar and Sentence Structures + Texts Analysis - An Intermediate course to improve Arabic level and listening/pronunciation. For those who want to improve their level, I teach an Intermediate course for the grammar and the sentences structures.   less
Specifically we shall work on the structure of the Arabic...   more Specifically we shall work on the structure of the Arabic language, i.e. the means to coordinate words and sentences with a big number of exercises, and this will surely improve your vocabulary. Also we shall work and continue with the Arabic grammar and text analysis.   less
Por el nivel Intermedio. Mejorar la pronunciación y...   more Por el nivel Intermedio. Mejorar la pronunciación y escuchar en línea con cursos intensivos del idioma árabe. Puede fácilmente progressare en árabe en unas pocas semanas, e inmediatamente mejorar su pronunciación con una excelente preparación material colocado a sus necesidades de trabajo o estudios, la obtención de resultados directamente en el aprendizaje de la lengua, tanto desde el punto de gramaticales opinión de que la fluidez del discurso. A. Idioma árabe Curso A2/A3 - Coloquial. Iniciación a el Coloquial + curso avanzado a través de pelicolas, canciones y poemas. El Coloquial es importante para el diálogo. Usted tiene dos opciones: 1. Aprenda egipcios o libaneses dialecto árabe utilizando los caracteres (Alef, BAA…) 2. O utilizando los caracteres trasliterazione (a, b, c….). Curso A4 - árabe gramática y la estructura de las sentencias + análisis de los textos. Para aquellos que quieren mejorar su nivel, un curso avanzado de gramática y estructura de las sentencias. Hasta perfeccionamiento. Trabajará específicamente sobre la estructura del árabe, a saber, los medios para coordinar las palabras y frases con un gran número de ejercicios que también puede enriquecer su vocabulario y mejorar su escucha y pronunciación. Igualmente el trabajo en línea y vamos a continuar con la gramática árabe y el análisis de textos. Una introducción al dialecto ... tal vez el de Egipto y Líbano ... como las más populares entre otros, también se tendrán en cuenta. Y, por último, si usted tiene un libro / texto en árabe para estudiar y preparar para los exámenes u otros, también ayuda en línea, con una buena pronunciación, vocabulario y gramática. Eligir el día de su preferencia y comodidad para los cursos. Los textos se enviarán al final de cada parte del curso (10 clases), y su respuesta en línea. Los medios de comunicación a través de Skype : arabiccourse Escribir especificando ç 1. El tipo de curso en línea y su nivel en árabe: 2. Intermedio 3. avanzado. Al especificar el día y hora de su preferencia para el curso en línea. (Primera versión de Analysis gratuita de evaluación, pruebas y conocimientos). Curso B - la cultura árabe. Curso C - Arte Contemporáneo. Al final del curso se publicará el correspondiente certificado con el nivel y la duración del curso. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para futuras solicitudes. Aprovecho para hacer este viaje acompañado de su profesor. Tiene confianza y usted descubrirá que usted está aprendiendo cosas nuevas con pequeños esfuerzos. Todavía hay tiempo para escribir su nombre para la suscripción.   less

Reading and writing:
Speaking and listening:
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