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Myngle receives 1 million euros for growth!

Cecilia Maybe you already know it, but we want to officially (and happily) announce that Myngle, has just finalized a Euro 950.000 ($ 1.192.948) government backed bank loan at Rabobank.

Especially in this time of economic downturn this is something to be proud of because it represents the confidence in Myngle as a company.

The loan is provided by Rabobank as a special Government backed Loan (in Dutch Innovatief Borgstellingskrediet) where government organization SenterNovem guarantees part of the bank loan. SenterNovem is an agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, which promotes sustainable development and innovation both within The Netherlands and abroad.

The news is spreading quickly and TechCrunch posted a nice article about it , always mentioning Milagros, our Star! 🙂

And after TechCrunch, a lot of buzz is appearing on the internet, everywhere.

It is going to be hard to follow “what they say about us” this time!


Explore posts in the same categories: Market data, Myngle News

3 Comments on “Myngle receives 1 million euros for growth!”

  1. Kirsten Winkler Says:

    As you said, getting a backing in times like this is something you can be really proud of.
    Especially an ammount like this.

  2. Klara Says:

    I would say MYNGLE IS A BANK OF CONFIDENCE AND TRUST…..keep that face. I am so proud of you.

  3. One Million Euro Backing for Myngle and the Hot Teacher Affaire | Kirsten Winkler Says:

    […] of all the news that started this affair about “hot teachers”. Myngle.com got a backing from Radobank about 1.000.000 Euros. I first heard about it via Twitter and yesterday Myngle got a post on techcrunch.com. Well, just […]
