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Also Oprah Winfrey talks about Myngle!

3869-michiel__hulsbos-pasfoto1Myngle is making waves and has now reached the most powerful woman in the world.

oprahOprah Winfrey herself is mentioning Myngle in her monthly magazine of February 2009 which is called “O” the Oprah Magazine.

This glossy magazine based on the themes handled in her live-show has millions of loyal readers who, we hope, are all about to hop on the Myngle train to become loyal Mynglers. 🙂

You can read it here!

By the way, I am Michiel, and this is my first day/post in Myngle. I will help the Internet Marketing Team to spread the Myngle message. But I will introduce myself properly later…

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6 Comments on “Also Oprah Winfrey talks about Myngle!”

  1. Aniya Says:

    Wow!!! Now Oprah is talking about Myngle, I as one will tell the world about that on my blog… 🙂

  2. Klara Says:

    REALLY GREAT!!! We have something to shout to the world.


  3. Soaad Says:

    Wow, that is really great we are getting more and more famous 😀

  4. China_mike Says:


    I know you are a marketing guy but you may want to tone down your comments. The most powerful woman in the world? No. Call her the most influencial opinion leader please. And her niche is older Americans not the young hip uropen crowd.

    And it makes it sound like she has personally written about Myngle when it is probably true that this was something her staff decided. It is a short blurb after all.

    Mike can you track this for us? I am curious what the effects the traffic to Myngle will be after the magazines hit the newsstands. My guess is that you will see an addition 5,000 hits at most and most of those will be looking for Spanish teachers.

  5. China_mike Says:


    European crowd

  6. desdemona Says:

    Wow ! My compliments, as an American, I know the importance of Oprah’s magazine. Way to go !!!!
