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How do you want your learning?

thoughtsDo you want your learning process to have music, audio, quizzes, writing assignments, role plays? How do you learn best?

Howard Gardner described the now much debated “Theory of Multiple Intelligences” which notes that people learn differently through a set of different intelligences:

“linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal. and naturalistic.”

This implies that some learn best when there are audio resources, others need to move around and have a hands-on experience, and yet others need to interact with people to gain a better understanding of a topic.

So, how can learning be best tailored to your profile? Can these learning needs be met through the online medium?

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7 Comments on “How do you want your learning?”

  1. Unknown Says:

    I would like to see the person and hear him too.
    Does not have to be in the same room though, may also depend on what the class is about.

  2. danilo Says:

    Interesting point, so according to Gardner you have a good visual/spatial intelligence! 🙂

  3. Unknown Says:

    ENFP according to Myers Briggs :-))))

  4. marina Says:

    For me, the best way of learning a language is by speaking it.

    Too often, students starting a new language are afraid to try to speak, because they are afraid to make mistakes.
    This fear blocks many beginners from accelerating the learning curve. If they dare to speak, they surely make mistakes, but also learn more. Not only because they exercise and gain flexibility to use words and patterns in a different way, but also because of their mistakes. A mistake that is corrected in fact very rarely gets forgotten. Every mistake becomes a new chance of learning, and never forgetting it.

    So, for me, the more I speak the more I expand the initial limited vocabulary into different uses. The more I feel confident and dare to speak even more.

    But then again, I am Italian, and I like speaking… (at least my friends say 😉

  5. Martina Says:

    I like my learning experience to be diverse and surprising – a mix of listening, reading and speaking is optimal for me. When I am bored, I stop easily. Will Myngle stimulate all my senses??

  6. marina Says:

    Listening, speaking, reading… yes. All combined in the learning experience.
    We miss two senses though: touch & taste. 🙂

    Has anybody had experience of very innovative and different ways of teaching?

  7. danilo Says:

    Marina, you are absolutely right. Practice leads to perfection, with languages as well as with anything we learn really. Speaking seems to be the best way to learn because besides the interacting with others your brain also works a lot more with it.

    Martina: Myngle will help with all of these skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing (and hopefully a bit more).

    I guess I learned a tiny bit of Japanese also from loving sushi 😉
