Chinese (Mandarin) course Beginning Chinese Language
By RoseZarris
Chinese (Mandarin)
Learn the basics of the Chinese mandarin. Start from Pinyin, learn the initials and finals. build a strong foundation for the learning of the Chinese language.

Learn the first several initials and finals of Pinyin used...   more Learn the first several initials and finals of Pinyin used in Mandarin Chinese. To add spices to the lesson, the student will also be taught a few simple and easy to comprehend Chinese characters.   less
Review and continue the Pinyin learning. The student will...   more Review and continue the Pinyin learning. The student will also have the opportunity to learn some simple Chinese words and learn to pronounce them through the Pinyin they just learned.   less
Review and continue the Pinyin learning. The student...   more Review and continue the Pinyin learning. The student will learn some simple Chinese words and learn to pronounce them through the Pinyin they just learned. If possible, the student will be given a verb in Chinese and learn to make a simple sentence in Chinese, and of course, in very precise Chinese pronouciation.   less
Review and continue the Pinyin learning. The student...   more Review and continue the Pinyin learning. The student will be required to pronouce given Pinyin syllables correctly and precisely. Certain words will be given in Chinese, the student will learn to make their own sentences.    less
Continue to learn Pinyin. The student is going say the...   more Continue to learn Pinyin. The student is going say the given Chinese words and sentences in Pinyin and feel the pride of finally being able to actually start a simple conversation.   less

Reading and writing:
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